First of all, you need to understand that SFI is very simple: You basically just have to do TWO things: #1 Refer people to your SFI Website(s)... We provide you with a variety of personalized Websites (we call them "Gateway" Websites) that you can start using NO COST TO YOU. Following is our most popular Gateway: You'll want to start referring people to this Gateway as soon as possible. For more than 20 methods on how to do that, click HERE! So, why would people want to go to your SFI Website? That's easy! Almost everyone would like to be able to earn extra money, and SFI provides a proven, complete A-Z make-money-at-home system, with virtually no risk, no obligation...and no cost to get started! That's why SFI has become one of the Internet's biggest success stories and why making money with SFI is so simple. The other major SFI Gateway you need to know about is: This Gateway is for (NOC), SFI's official "retail store." You Need to know more Click HERE !

When you reading this entry, you are minutes away your first legal business with Google and you will earn money soon. I'm sure about it. The matter is how much you can earn with Adsense. If you have lots of traffic and you set up your site beautifully, you will earn much. This tutorial will show you how to register a Adsense account.

Firstly, you go to Google Adsense page and sign up for an account.

Before signing up for an Adsense account, you MUST have a website. Don't create any website but choose the site that you contribute to it for a long time, and you have lot of content on this site. If Adsense team accesses your site in order to approve your application and finds out that your site is not well-established, or under-construction, your application will be rejected.

The application form is simple, just fill in the form with your TRUE information. The approval process can take from 2 days to a week. Just be patient, and wait for Google email.

Opps, I forgot to mention that you should have a Gmail account to facilitate all login/account stuffs. Now you can easy sign up a gmail account at